Intro to Getting More with Less

Les Cowie of Les Cowie Consulting introduces the principles from his book on Amazon, “Getting More from Less”.  In this 5 minute podcast he discussed how CEOs and their C-Level executives can react positively when business conditions have them in a squeeze.  Les introduces “The Profit Pillar” that he has found applies to ALL organizations […]

1. In Less than 3 Minutes – Intro to the Profit Pillar

This video introduces you to The Profit Pillar that applies to every organization whether industrial, commercial, service, healthcare, membership or government. It lists the 5 functional layers through which cash flows so that you can deliver your products or services to consumers.

8. In Less then 3 Mins – Process Analysis

Before the CEO gets his C-Level team together to review the organization’s performance and cost structure, preparation by each functional manager is critical. Following the Environment study from our previous session, the executive should do a process Analysis for each department in his function followed by and INs and OUTs study for each.

9. In Less then 3 Mins – Frequency

According to the Pareto Principle, 20% of the items in a business could carry 80% of the costs. 20% of the costs occur 80% of the time. Before the CEO brings the executive team together to explore ways of improving throughput, enhancing performance and reducing costs, each Functional executive should examine the frequencies of things […]

10. In Less then 3 Mins – Creative Cost Reduction Meetings

Having studied the “Profit Pillar” and done the research of Environments, Process Flow and INs and OUTs of each department within the five functional layers of the Profit Pillar, the CEO is now ready to get his C-Level team into creative meetings. The process for these meetings is unique.

11. Examples of Creative Meeting Results

So what kind of results can creative C-Level meetings produce for the organization. See the examples from textiles and automotive manufacturing in the book “Getting More with Less” and on the “Case Studies” page of